In the summer of ‘18 we decided to buy a dog. Our little friend (also know as Nalu 🐶) would arrive in September, meaning summer holidays were over and we’d head back to work by the time of his arrival. During his first days, I was able to take some days off to keep an eye on him. However after a week he had to spent his first day ‘home alone’.
I’d wanted to keep an eye open on my little friend when I was at work, so I bought a Raspberry Pi, a PiCam a Servo-arm and started hacking something together.
When I started working on this project, I was pretty familiar with the Raspberry Pi-hardware and related Python-libraries such as gpiozero and picamera. I experimented already quite some time with the picamera, but I was still struggling with setting up a streaming-like server. Thus the only thing I needed was some kind of server to tie all loose ends together. At that time we were experimenting at my job with the Django-framework. It’s was tempting to start playing here with Django as well, but I realised quite quickly Django would be overkill.
I decided to switch to something more lightweight (and less complex) and ended up with Flask. As a matter of fact, I forked a repository on github which included already a big part of the work that needed to be done. I added authentication, a new front-end template and integration with my Servo-arm and the NaluCam was born. The code quality is not that good and testing these kind of things we’re pretty hard since we’re talking about hardware integrations.
However the NaluCam still does the trick and is still being used on a daily basis.
Improvements and further work
In general the code needs to be cleaned up. I also need to find a better way of testing these kind of things in which hardware is included. Certainly the integration with the camera is a pain in the ass; over SSH it’s impossible to display images or get a liveview. This means that every time I’m working on this project, I need to hook up my Raspberry Pi to a monitor, keyboard and mouse; which sucks if you’re used to a MBP with awesome editors.
Also some cool features such as temperature monitoring and voice integration could be added. It could also be a cool idea to add some kind of small engines and turn the NaluCam into some kind of entertaining superdeluxe ‘ball fetcher’-machine which can be remotely controlled? Want to contribute? Fork the project here.